× Ritorna la 49^ edizione della 100km del Passatore - 25-26 maggio 2024
Infinite Emotion - Photos of the race on GETPICA.COM - 100 KM del Passatore | Firenze - Faenza

Infinite Emotion – Photos of the race on GETPICA.COM

Infinite Emotion – Photos of the race on GETPICA.COM


For all instructions ..

The digital photos of the 100 km of Passatore 2019 will be available immediately after the end of the race by going to the www.getpica.com website, downloading the appropriate app and entering your personal code, you will find it on your bib number.

You can make the purchase, using your credit card.

In the following days the photographs that the automatic system did not recognize will be manually entered.

Info: franz@photosprint.it, mob. 3479186715

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